Monday, August 26, 2013

India: Embracing GM crops

Embracing GM crops

Henry I Miller
The writer is a former director, Office of Biotechnology, the US Food and Drug Administration and fellow at Stanford University.

India has enjoyed signal successes with genetic engineering in agriculture, but its relationship with this environmentally friendly, wealth-enhancing technology may be coming to an end. At the very least, it is in disarray, the victim of activists' scaremongering and government pandering. 

The recommendations of a technical expert committee (TEC) forwarded recently to the Supreme Court are absurd. The TEC has called for an indefinite moratorium on field trials of genetically engineered ("genetically modified" or "GM") crops until alleged deficiencies in the government's regulatory and safety systems have been addressed. 

The truth is that the cultivation of these plants in 2012 on a record 170.3 million hectares worldwide (by more than 17 million farmers) caused not a single mishap — not an ecosystem disrupted or a person given a tummy ache. 

During the past decade, widespread adoption of an insect-resistant, genetically engineered crop called Bt-cotton, which contains a bacterial protein toxic to pests, has drastically reduced the use of chemical pesticides in cotton fields, enhanced food security and improved farmers' bottom line. It took 15 years (1982-97) for cotton yields in India to increase from 200 to 300 kg/hectare, but the availability of Bt-cotton boosted yields from 300 kg/hectare to over 500 kg/hectare during just 2002-08. 

Economists Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot estimate that Bt-cotton boosted India's economyby $9.4 billion from 2002 to 2010 and by $2.5 billion in 2010 alone. Nevertheless, radical activists have made bizarre, baseless allegations about genetically engineered crops, accusing them of causing health problems and economic failures that have supposedly led to mass farmer suicides. 

In August 2012, a report by a parliamentary agriculture committee parroted many of the activists' misrepresentations. It heavily criticised a 2009 regulatory decision to approve genetically engineered brinjal (eggplant) — a rare approval that was won only after years of bureaucratic delays. 

Activist groups have also gone to the courts to halt the testing and commercialisation of GM crops. In October 2012, a Supreme Court-appointed TEC recommended a 10-year blanket ban on field trials of genetically engineered food crops. Scientists noted that the committee ignored copious data on the safety of genetically engineered crops and their promise for Indian agriculture and food production. 

In November, the SC declined to accept the recommendation, pending receipt of a subsequent, more comprehensive report. The TEC has again made the same inexplicable recommendation. 

The interference with genetic engineering has hurt farmers' ability to feed Indians more cheaply and reliably. The government's approach to oversight turns on its head a basic tenet of regulation — the amount of oversight an activity receives should be commensurate with the level of risk it poses. In India, Bt-cotton and Bt-brinjal are crafted using precise, modern laboratory methods that essentially refine, or extend, more primitive, albeit highly successful, ways to perform genetic modification. 

The precision involved actually makes the product safer than "conventional" products as it becomes possible to introduce pieces of DNA that contain only one or a few well-characterised genes. Yet, genetically engineered plants are subjected to extensive, expensive testing and monitoring regimes — and even proposed bans. 

Meanwhile, exempted entirely from regulation are new plants created by using cruder, less predictable breeding techniques, such as "wide-cross" hybridisation, in which large numbers of genes are moved between unrelated plants; and plants that are the result of irradiation to alter DNA and create mutants. 

"The future depends on what you do today," Mahatma Gandhi once observed. And that was never more true than the Indian government's deliberations about whether the nation's farmers will be permitted to embrace 21 {+s} {+t} century agriculture. TOI

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