Biotechnology giants top the food chain with GMO usage
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March Against Monsanto is just one of the many groups fighting against the deregulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used in most food. Studies suggest GMOs pose serious health risks.
our friendly neighborhood conglomerate Monsanto would like you to know that they don’t just make chemical bioweapons like Agent Orange and the pesticide RoundUpanymore; they are now supplying the country with acres upon acres of fresh, genetically modified crops that go straight to the grocery shelves.
And don’t worry about your food not being labeled for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), because why would you need to know that? Just keep eating those Cheerios, Lean Cuisines, Fritos, Bisquick pancakes and don’t ask any questions. Cancer? Organ damage? Shhh, just keep drinking that Kool-Aid, also a Monsanto product.
Monsanto Company owns a lot of the food you put in your mouth, and the people there don’t want you to ask what’s in it. Worse, there seems to be a major lack of concern or knowledge about it among most of the American public. The company has made itself infamous among anti-GMO protesters and the alternative media in recent years due to having its hands in almost every type of processed food that you can find in a typical American grocery store.
GMOs are plants that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals, according to Almost all GMOs are made to withstand being sprayed by chemicals like pesticides and herbicides, hence Monsanto manufacturing RoundUp.
Other developed countries, like Australia and Japan have laws that require major restrictions on the production and sale of GMOs, along with labeling foods that contain them. Due to a powerful lobbying effort by Monsanto and other companies in the biotech industry, the United States is one of the only nations to not require labeling GMO foods, and there seems to be virtually no laws regulating them.
According to the Institute for Responsible Technology, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t mandate the labeling of GMOs, they do not require a single safety study and they allow companies to put their GMO foods on the market without notifying the agency.
The FDA has said that it has have no evidence that GMO foods were any different than say, real food, which is why there is a lack of regulations on these products.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has conducted studies on the ingestion of GMOs and animals, and they have found that organ damage, accelerated aging and infertility have occurred.
GMOs leave material behind inside of us, which can lead to long term effects that are difficult to track. The AAEM has also noted that after GMOs were first introduced in 1996, the percentage of food allergies, autism and chronic illnesses skyrocketed. The American Public Health Association has also condemned the use of GMO bovine growth hormone in cow’s milk, which has been linked to cancer.
The list goes on and on.
If you ask Monsanto, everything they make is incredibly safe to eat.
“Plants and crops with GMO traits have been tested more than any other crops — with no credible evidence of harm to humans or animals,” Monsanto said.
The key words in that sentence are “credible evidence.” They are basically saying that yes, there is evidence, but it isn’t up their standards so why dwell on it? A little more scrolling down the company’s FAQ page and one can find that the words “credible evidence” seem to be one of their favorite terms.
Despite the massive efforts of Monsanto to keep the public ignorant to its game, recent legal developments have given the anti-GMO movement some hope.
At the end of September, a provision in a Senate spending bill, labeled by members of the food movement as the Monsanto Protection Act was cut from the bill. If included, the provision would have stripped the federal courts authority to stop the production of GMOfoods if safety tests showed that the products were harmful or unsafe.
While this is very good news, it’s important to keep in mind that most politicians, including our president, have turned a blind eye to, or in some cases, aided Monsanto.
Barack Obama filled certain key posts with Monsanto people after his initial election in 2008 and actually signed the Monsanto Protection Act last March when it was first proposed.
So how do we even begin to phase out GMO foods when evil giants such as Monsanto seem to have such a stronghold on our economy and government? Much like anything else, baby steps will help.
Shop at public markets for your produce, and talk to produce sellers about how they grow their crops. Get involved with March Against Monsanto, a group that has been putting a global foot forward in their efforts to thwart GMOs.
But most importantly, talk to others about the issue, because an informed public is one of the greatest weapons to combat any form of wrongdoing. The stylus
And don’t worry about your food not being labeled for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), because why would you need to know that? Just keep eating those Cheerios, Lean Cuisines, Fritos, Bisquick pancakes and don’t ask any questions. Cancer? Organ damage? Shhh, just keep drinking that Kool-Aid, also a Monsanto product.
Monsanto Company owns a lot of the food you put in your mouth, and the people there don’t want you to ask what’s in it. Worse, there seems to be a major lack of concern or knowledge about it among most of the American public. The company has made itself infamous among anti-GMO protesters and the alternative media in recent years due to having its hands in almost every type of processed food that you can find in a typical American grocery store.
GMOs are plants that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals, according to Almost all GMOs are made to withstand being sprayed by chemicals like pesticides and herbicides, hence Monsanto manufacturing RoundUp.
Other developed countries, like Australia and Japan have laws that require major restrictions on the production and sale of GMOs, along with labeling foods that contain them. Due to a powerful lobbying effort by Monsanto and other companies in the biotech industry, the United States is one of the only nations to not require labeling GMO foods, and there seems to be virtually no laws regulating them.
According to the Institute for Responsible Technology, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t mandate the labeling of GMOs, they do not require a single safety study and they allow companies to put their GMO foods on the market without notifying the agency.
The FDA has said that it has have no evidence that GMO foods were any different than say, real food, which is why there is a lack of regulations on these products.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has conducted studies on the ingestion of GMOs and animals, and they have found that organ damage, accelerated aging and infertility have occurred.
GMOs leave material behind inside of us, which can lead to long term effects that are difficult to track. The AAEM has also noted that after GMOs were first introduced in 1996, the percentage of food allergies, autism and chronic illnesses skyrocketed. The American Public Health Association has also condemned the use of GMO bovine growth hormone in cow’s milk, which has been linked to cancer.
The list goes on and on.
If you ask Monsanto, everything they make is incredibly safe to eat.
“Plants and crops with GMO traits have been tested more than any other crops — with no credible evidence of harm to humans or animals,” Monsanto said.
The key words in that sentence are “credible evidence.” They are basically saying that yes, there is evidence, but it isn’t up their standards so why dwell on it? A little more scrolling down the company’s FAQ page and one can find that the words “credible evidence” seem to be one of their favorite terms.
Despite the massive efforts of Monsanto to keep the public ignorant to its game, recent legal developments have given the anti-GMO movement some hope.
At the end of September, a provision in a Senate spending bill, labeled by members of the food movement as the Monsanto Protection Act was cut from the bill. If included, the provision would have stripped the federal courts authority to stop the production of GMOfoods if safety tests showed that the products were harmful or unsafe.
While this is very good news, it’s important to keep in mind that most politicians, including our president, have turned a blind eye to, or in some cases, aided Monsanto.
Barack Obama filled certain key posts with Monsanto people after his initial election in 2008 and actually signed the Monsanto Protection Act last March when it was first proposed.
So how do we even begin to phase out GMO foods when evil giants such as Monsanto seem to have such a stronghold on our economy and government? Much like anything else, baby steps will help.
Shop at public markets for your produce, and talk to produce sellers about how they grow their crops. Get involved with March Against Monsanto, a group that has been putting a global foot forward in their efforts to thwart GMOs.
But most importantly, talk to others about the issue, because an informed public is one of the greatest weapons to combat any form of wrongdoing. The stylus